There’s a common misconception that courtroom AV technology was designed to replace Court Reporters. While some courtrooms have chosen to completely transition their systems to digital recording during the court reporter shortage or as reporters retire, many have chosen to utilize digital recording technology as an aid for the court reporters on staff.
Courtroom AV & recording systems can assist Court Reporters and help enhance their work in a variety of ways.
Efficiently manage and schedule sessions to record.
Court reporters can easily manage their schedules and the flow of sessions in the court room by utilizing the scheduling technology within our recording systems. Scheduler 7 allows you to schedule sessions for any date, time, and location, via a network-connected computer.
This program allows you to start and stop recording sessions at any time, reschedule the session, or easily copy the session over to a new date.
This software gives the reporter full control over the courtroom’s agenda!
Easier transcription process.
During the proceeding, the Court Reporter can easily run the digital recording system. With our solution, the reporter can make quick notes to help track important events during the proceeding, for reference during the transcription process.
JAVS systems record participants on multiple audio channels using microphones strategically placed around the court room. When participants are recorded on individual channels, it is much easier for a reporter to go back and listen to individual speakers to ensure the verbatim words are transcribed.
Often, it’s not necessary to transcribe a proceeding immediately after it is finished, so it is useful to have an organized means of storing records for transcription at a later date. When the recording is captured, it is saved as a unique file within the recording system. Each of these files can be stored using JAVS Bookshelf 7. This software offers a simple archiving system to help courts keep track of every recorded session and an easy way to search for those records, when they’re needed. This helps cut down on some of the paper work and traditional means of organizing long documents. With a few quick key strokes, you can easily locate the exact digital record that you need.
Secondary recording option.
With the recent court reporter shortage many courtrooms are running with minimal court reporting staff members. What that means, is that there may not always be an available reporter on staff to cover recording a proceeding when another reporter is out of the office.
Because our courtroom AV solutions are tailored to meet many digital recording needs, it is easy to incorporate a recording solution to fill-in when reporters are unavailable either because of vacation, illness, or scheduling conflicts. By utilizing digital recording solutions as a back-up for court reporters, you can ensure that the courtrooms schedule is executed as planned.
JAVS solutions are simple to use so any employee can be trained to record a proceeding with our software and hardware.
Capture a visual record with video recordings.
A complete, verbatim record should include both the words spoken during a proceeding and the non-verbal forms communications. Physical gestures and body language are all part of a non-verbal record that can only be captured through video. A video record can be the perfect complement to any transcribed records. It provides visual support of what the court reporter is capturing either through audio recording or through their traditional recording methods.
Ready to learn more about integrating technology into your everyday processes? Click here to request a complimentary technology consultation.